Sound Blaster 16 CT1740
This is one of the earlier Sound Blaster 16 cards. There are many revisions of the CT1740, this one is revision 4 from week 51 1992. It comes with DSP version 4.05 and does not have the hanging note bug. It does however lag in Duke Nukem 3D when using high sample rates and a wavetable board.
I found this card to be quiet and clean sounding. It has jumpers to disable the on-board amplifier for a line-out signal. The card has the DMA clicking bug, older games that do not use the auto initialisation DMA mode will have clicks. There is an authentic YAMAHA OPL3 chip, so you are getting top FM quality. The software and drivers is easy to use but the mixer needs a bit of tweaking to get as least noise as possible. |
Drivers and jumper settings

sbbasic.exe |

jumper_settings_of_sound_blaster_audio_cards.pdf |